
The Hopkins Way:

A Model of Medical Development

A model describes what we – an individual or an organization – do, how we do it, and why.  Our model, the “Hopkins Way,” leverages the strengths of the Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine to  best support our institution, faculty, donors, and patients.

The Hopkins Way has four main components:

4 pillars

Grateful patient fundraising

Medical development entails relationship with patients and families, physicians, and institutional leaders; it requires professionalism, relational skill, and ethical sensitivity.

Communicative competency is essential to working productively with our constituents – faculty, institutional leaders, volunteers, donors, patients, prospects, advisors, and development colleagues – and creates a culture of genuine connection.

We use robust data to review our past and plan our future, inform evaluation, and support decision-making, to continuously improve our performance.

Through the conduct of true research studies, we are working to generate evidence that can guide our practices and those of colleagues across the profession.